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Peppa Pig. Collection Me Reader Jr. Magic reader. English.

Audio production and melodic songs, studio recording.
  • Phoenix International Kids.

Guía de programas, recursos y servicios educativos. 100 pages.

Comprehensive editing, graphic design, layout, illustration, proofreading, printing, binding and creation of accessible PDF.
  • Ayuntamiento de Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid).


Conception, scriptwriting, studio recording and post-production.
  • Confidential.

Dynamic infographic

Conception, creation of textual and graphic content, musical selection and editing.
  • Confidential.

Static infographic

Conception, creation of textual and graphic content.
  • VIFOR Pharma - IESE Business School.

Corporate videos

Audiovisual production (conducting interviews, recording...) and post-production.
  • IESE Business School.

Activity Book, Social Science (English). Textbook, teacher's guide and notebook. Year 3. 300 pages.

Coordination of authorship, contribution of contents, technical and pedagogical revision, integral edition, layout and proofreading.
  • Edebé.

Vacation notebook. Lengua, Year 7. 78 pages.

Authorship, integral editing, layout, illustration and proofreading.
  • Edelvives.

Economía (castellano y catalán), Bachillerato. 336 págs.

Coordination, edition and illustration of the student's book, the teacher's guide and the solution, layout and proofreading.
  • McGraw-Hill.

Rutas: Lengua, Year 5. Textbook. 240 pages.

Coordination of authorship, contribution of content for the textbook, the didactic proposal and audiovisual materials, pedagogical and curricular review, comprehensive editing, layout and proofreading.
  • Anaya.

¡Te quiero! Disney Baby. 16 pages.

English-Spanish translation, localization, layout and post-editing.
  • Phoenix International Kids.

The Avengers. Search and Find Collection. 24 pages.

English-Spanish translation, localization, layout and proofreading.
  • Phoenix Internacional Kids.

Mati, sing a song! Notebook (64 pages), flashcards, didactic guide (84 pages) and audiovisual production (English, Spanish, Basque and Catalan). 2 years-olds.

Conception, authorship, editing, translations, graphic design, layout, illustration, audio recording (songs, chants and locutions) and audiovisual production.
  • Edebé.

Magazine Gestiona tu colegio. 48 pages.

Coordination, content creation (interviews, articles, reports...), editing, graphic design, layout, illustration, correction and printing.
  • Fundación Gestiona.

La Revista (Spanish and English). 44 pages.

Comprehensive content creation (interviews, reports...), coordination, translation, editing, graphic design, layout, illustration, printing, binding and PDF generation for the web.
  • Fundación Jesús Serra.

Folletos y flyers. Different lengths.

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  • Seguros Catalana Occidente.

Comentarios de Coyuntura Económica / International Economic Overview (Spanish and English). 14 + 14 pages.

Coordination of authors, editing, creation of highlights, direct and reverse translations, layout, proofreading and creation of navigable PDFs.
  • IESE Business School.

Avances en colitis ulcerosa. 180 pages.

Coordination of authors, comprehensive editing, style unification, graphic design, layout and proofreading.
  • Wolters Kluwer Health – Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Article for the insurance industry. 700-800 words

Creation of content for a newsletter targeted at healthcare professionals with the primary objective of promoting the sale of insurance.
  • Confidential.

Guía de bolsillo sobre el riesgo fetal y neonatal. 152 pages.

Integral editing, comparison with the starting book, graphic design, layout and proofreading.
  • Wolters Kluwer Pharma Solutions.

La salud en el centro de nuestra sociedad. 188 pages.

Comprehensive editing, creation of highlights, graphic design, layout, proofreading, printing, binding (hardcover) and creation of navigable PDF.
  • IESE Business School-CRHIM – Vifor Pharma.

La antigua Aduana de Madrid hoy. E-book. 88 pages.

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  • Ministerio de Hacienda.

Torre Sevilla. Colección Rascacielos del Mundo. 178 pages.

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  • Eserp - McGraw-Hill - Consedoc.

Pro defensione regni: Corona, Iglesia y fiscalidad durante el reinado de Pedro IV de Aragón (1349-1387). Historical collection. 628 pages.

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  • Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC).

¿Qué tienen que ver el matrimonio y la fecundidad con la economía? International report. 60 pages.

Translation, post-editing, layout and proofreading.
  • Social Trends Institute.

Guía sanitaria para profesionales de centros de bronceado. 40 pages.

Comprehensive editing, graphic design, layout, illustration, proofreading, printing and binding.
  • Consejería de Sanidad – Comunidad de Madrid.

Guías de aplicación. Clean Your Hands. 48 pages.

Editing, proofreading and layout.
  • Ministerio de Sanidad - Organización Mundial de la Salud.

Guía para la gestión de la movilidad del personal investigador extranjero en España. Guide and executive summary. 5th edition. Spanish and English. 408 pages.

Editing, translation, graphic design, layout, illustration, proofreading, printing, binding and creation of navigable PDF.
  • Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (Fecyt).

Memoria de actividades / Activity Report (Spanish and English). 110 pages.

Comprehensive editing, graphic design, layout, illustration, proofreading, printing, binding and creation of navigable PDF.
  • Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (Fecyt).

Análisis de la inversión en infancia en el borrador de los Presupuestos Generales del Estado. Report. 20 pages.

Comprehensive editing, graphic design, layout and creation of navigable PDF.
  • Plataforma de la Infancia.

Translation of postgraduate academic material for business school.

Translation from English to Spanish and editing of academic cases for postgraduate students and final proofreading.
  • INSEAD Business School.

Catalog of university degrees. 20 pages.

Integral creation: elaboration of the content after the market study, graphic design, layout, illustration, printing and binding.
  • Eserp (business school).